Teenage Mothers Initiative (TEEMI)

Teenage Mothers Initiative (TEEMI) was founded in 2015 to support adolescent girls who had dropped out of school as a result of early and unplanned pregnancies. It is an association of women, women’s groups and organizations working together to ensure that teenage mothers are able to thrive and live a life of dignity and purpose


TEEMI is working to empower teenage mothers in order to transform their lives and futures.
Sexual Health Education

Sexual Health Education

Quality Education

Quality Education

Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment

Networking and Advocacy

Networking and Advocacy

TEEMI Vision
A society promoting opportunities for teenage mothers to thrive and live a life of dignity andpurpose
TEEMI Mission
To prevent adolescent pregnancies, child marriages and harness the socio-economic, sexual and reproductive health potentials of adolescent girls through consistent implementation of quality programs with reliable and predictable results that are informed by rigorous research and learning from the field’s best practices.
TEEMI Strategic Goal
To empower teenage mothers to live quality lives with equity and dignity with the ability to realize their full potential
Teenage Mothers Initiative

TEEMI Accomplishments

Earned community respect
These adolescent mothers were despised and not respected in their communities. Today, they have earned back their respect.
Know their rights
These adolescent mothers were despised and not respected in their communities.
They have skills
They have skills that enables them to earn an income to support their babies and family.
Communities sensitized on adolescent girls’ rights
We have sensitized parents and community members on the rights of adolescent girls.

Support the teenage mothers

The number of teenage mothers in Uganda is increasing and this is being fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic. Teenage mothers face a myriad of challenges and this is has been worse with the COVID-19 that has seen many teenage girls concede. While many of them would like to continue with education and achieve their dreams, there are many obstacles that cause them to become pregnant and drop out of school. Forced and early marriages, lack of information, misinformation, insufficient information and myths are some of the reasons behind teenage pregnancy crisis.

Teenage mothers in Uganda

Over the years, they have been made to believe that men are superior and they should not question their intentions. Teenage mothers are stigmatized when they try to access information and services from the health facilities. Health providers treat them as minors with no right to reproductive health services.
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